Monday, 28 December 2020
Amoebas - Shapeshifters of the microworld
Monday, 21 December 2020
Christmas spirit
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Toxic Taxus baccata
Taxus baccata has deep dark green needles all year round. It is an evergreen tree that is also often used as a hedge. In winter, Taxus bears red fruits that are much loved by birds, but very poisonous to ungulates.
Taxus baccata is usually a sturdy shrub that, if given space, can grow into a tree. Growth is slow but eventually the tree can reach a height of about 15 to 20 meters with a width of 12 to 15 meters. The species is widely used for hedges and also for topiary. Bulbs, cones, columns and even animal shapes are available. Taxus can tolerate very strong pruning, even down to the perennial wood.
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Bdelloid rotifers - An entire class of animals with no males
We have previously looked at the microscopic animals called Rotifers in general, but today we are going to take a closer look at a specific class of rotifers called Bdelloidea with quite a unique way of living. Bdelloid rotifers are extremely common all over the world where they can be found in different freshwater habitats like ponds, streams, moss, and garden birdbaths where they can be found in enormous amounts from time to time. These animals are incredibly tiny with a size of only 150 - 700 microns when fully stretched. Like other rotifers they feed on microalgae, bacteria, and single celled organisms. So far they sound just like other rotifers, however they are very different in a few ways.
Friday, 4 December 2020
Boost your resistance
So, no sooner said than done, the tablets are now up for grabs at home anyhow. Dissolve a tablet in water, filter the solution, heat a few droplets of the solution on an object glass over a spirit burner in order to saturate it by evaporation. Let it crystallize patiently, put a cover glass on it and move it under the microscope.
Friday, 27 November 2020
The male Pine Cone
A Pine Cone is a scaly trimmed woody cone fruit of a coniferous tree. There are more than 100 types of coniferous trees. These produce both male and female cone fruits. The male pinecone is the smallest, contains pollen and only lives for a few weeks. The female pinecone is larger and contains (if fertilized) seeds.
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Nematodes - The most common animal on earth
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Čechite, a rare vanadate from the Ulldemolins mines (Catalonia)
Monday, 16 November 2020
A curious caterpillar in the moss
In The Netherlands there are many working groups that regularly make an inventory of the mosses present in nature. For this purpose, the natural landscape is divided into square sections of 1 x 1 km that are characterized by nationally determined coordinates. In such a section it is observed which kinds of mosses occur in it. Many mosses can be identified on the spot. Here, people often use a magnifying glass. Sometimes the determination has to be done at home with the help of a microscope. The results of such an inventory are centrally placed in the "NDFF Verspreidingsatlas" (distribution atlas): This is a database that has been made possible by various nature organizations, with the aim of following the development of the mosses flora under the influence of the environment in the Netherlands.
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Synura - The golden algae
Friday, 6 November 2020
A common pest
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Motic Path Case - Granulomatous disease of peritoneum
A 52 year-old woman, with a background of surgery by pelvic endometriosis two years before, was submitted for showing symptoms of abdominal distension with pseudo obstructive episodes and malaise. Apart from endometriosis, there was no a history of chronic inflammatory diseases or other interesting pathological events. At the physical exam, ascites is discovered coinciding with radiological study by abdominal scan (SC), which reveals multiple and heterogeneous nodules at the peritoneal surface. The clinical diagnosis was of peritoneal carcinomatosis. A laparoscopic study was realized in which no other abdominal abnormalities were perceived apart from the irregular peritoneal thickening, suggesting tumour process. Two biopsies of different nodules were made. During histological exam, no neoformative tissue was found. On the contrary, the global alteration consisted of multiple isolated or confluent epithelioid granulomas in a fibrotic background. Basically they were made of histiocyte aggregates and less often multinucleated giant cells. Neither central necrosis nor characteristically morphological signs concerning to specific inflammatory disorders were seen. Specific stains such as Ziehl-Neelsen, Periodic Acid Schiff, Giemsa or Methenamine Silver did no visualized pathogen germs. In addition, in order to rule out tuberculosis, a PCR for BK bacilli was also negative. After the fact that specific aetiologies were discarded, the patient is being treated by anti-inflammatories and she is having a slow but good response.

Friday, 30 October 2020
Arcella vulgaris has caught Synura
This testate amoeba lives in the mud and vegetation in standing water and also in the bottom, between algae and other plants. Arcella Vulgaris is a testate Amoeba with loose pseudopodia protruding from the pseudochitine shell. Testate amoebae are amoebae with an umbrella-shaped hard cover. The cover is for protection and is excreted by the animal itself. They nourish on diatoms, unicellular algae, animal protozoa such as flagellates and ciliates.
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Nettles - The healthy stingers
Friday, 23 October 2020
Viburnum's annoying ‘hair’
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Lengenbach, rare minerals in Switzerland
Friday, 16 October 2020
Cutaneous Histiocytoma dog
A cutaneous histiocytoma is a benign skin tumor. It consists of an accumulation of a large amount of histiocytes in the skin. Histiocytes are cells that are involved in the immune system. We usually see histiocytomas in young dogs up to the age of 3 years.
In a short time there is a skin tumor ranging from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. Usually they are at the head, lips, ears, neck, legs and chest. They are not painful and do not cause itching, unless there is an inflammation. If they start to itch because of the inflammation, it means that the body is cleaning them up. Regularly this swelling looks fiery and choppy.
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Some of the smallest crustaceans in the world
Thursday, 8 October 2020
Flatworm digestive tract
The digestive tract of the flatworm, as shown here of a representative of the Dugesia genus, is not very complicated.
This type of flatworm lives in fresh water. Flatworms absorb their food by mouth in the middle part of their lower body. A small tube shoots from the center of their body at the food and sucks it into the Pharynx. The fresh food is sent to and through the 'intestine', also known as the gastrovascular cavity. There the food is digested. It is spread on all parts of the worm, where the nutrients are needed for growth.
Thursday, 1 October 2020
Mastocytoma dog
Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Monday, 28 September 2020
Wood - a fascinating material
The secondary cell wall of plants, constructed of parallel cellulose fibers embedded in an amorphous matrix is impregnated with lignin and minerals as a stabilizing factor for altitude records, e.g. the “Tall Tree”, 112 Meter height, a Sequoia tree from the California National Park. Shrubs and herbs use this principle to a lesser extent.
The cross section is most easy to understand:
Friday, 25 September 2020
How can I ensure a clean microscope?

Besides the well-known procedures to maintain the performance, in Corona times additional care is needed to avoid spreading the virus. Time to update our care recommendations.
(1) Objectives
(2) Eyepieces
(3) Condenser
(4) Collector cover glass
(5) Glass slide including the cover slip
In the case the microscope is combined with a camera attached, you may find dirt.
(6) On the lenses of the camera adapter (C-mount)
(7) On the protection glass (IR filter) of the camera sensor
Attention: All inner surfaces of the optical elements are strictly taboo! Do not disassemble any part of your microscope for cleaning purposes. You only have access to the outer surfaces of these components. Disassembly will significantly affect the performance of your instrument and will void the terms of warranty. If you notice a malfunction in mechanics or electrics, please contact your nearest Motic supplier.
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Just a beautiful preparation
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Brought home from a trip to the Medina of Tunis
This species lives in countries with a warm climate in every continent and therefore also in countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Especially in Spain, France and Italy, people are regularly bitten by this brown animal.
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Dogtooth Calcite
In the photos we are introduced to the fluorescent properties of this mineral. Long pass fluorescence filter blocks were used for the exposure of the mineral sample: DAPI 375 nm excitation wavelength (UV) and MB 480 nm excitation wavelength (blue light).
Monday, 7 September 2020
Image stacking - for increased depth of field
The focus plane is at the top of the right eye and mouth
Friday, 4 September 2020
Right through a moss animals colony
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Haematococcus pluvialis - The red colored green alga
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Typical for dicotyle plants
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Plasmacytoma dog
Thursday, 13 August 2020
About blood
About half of the human blood is plasma. Blood plasma mainly consists of fluid and proteins. The other half of this blood consists of blood cells, namely: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. For example, the red blood cells transport oxygen and carbon dioxide through the body. The white blood cells make harmful substances and pathogens recognizable and harmless. Platelets provide crusting to a wound.
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Rotifers - Some of the smallest animals on earth
Friday, 7 August 2020
A find on the beach
Friday, 31 July 2020
Lumbriculus variegatus - The blackworm
Another clearly visible structure in the worm is its circulatory system. The animal lacks a true heart, but instead pumps blood through the blood vessels with several pairs of muscularized vessels able to contract and work as a heart.
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Myriophyllum beautiful but a nuisance
Myriophyllum was imported for trade in pond and aquarium plants. The plants come into nature because people throw away excess plants in public waters, after which they can spread further.
Tuesday, 21 July 2020
A better image for your stereo microscope
In stereo microscopy, a 3D image from a 3-dimensional sample is our ambition. Different viewing angles for both eyes create different images on the retina of the left and the right eye. Our brain is going to process both images. This concept is best comprehensible in the Greenough construction of a traditional stereo microscope: two complete separate beam paths from objective to the eyes, mounted in a relative angle of 11°-16°. But even in the modern, more flexible CMO (Central Main Objective) concept a different viewing angle is realized.
Thursday, 16 July 2020
Desmids - Beautiful single celled algae
Desmids are highly symmetrical unicellular green algae which can take on many different shapes depending on the specific species. The desmids also vary in size between species, the smallest being only a couple of microns and the largest reaching a size of several hundreds of microns and are visible with the naked eye. Desmids are most commonly found in freshwater where several thousand species can be found.