Wednesday 26 January 2022


Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium. This is a solid double membrane around the heart. The innermost layer is fused with the heart muscle. The pericardium protects the heart from external influences and keeps the heart in place. Between the two layers of the pericardium, there is a small amount of clear liquid, which makes it easy for the layers to slide past each other (like two glass plates slide easily over each other with water in between).

In acute pericarditis, complaints such as severe pain in the chest area can occur in the beginning. The pericardium contains many nerves. The friction between the membranes of the inflamed pericardium causes severe pain. The pain increases when you move, breathe in, or lie flat.

The causes of pericarditis are:

virus infection (for example after flu or cold)
open heart surgery
heart attack
bacterial infection (rare)
other illnesses

Sometimes the cause remains unknown.

In the pictures, we see part of the heart muscle tissue (myocardium) on the left, with adipose (fat) tissue to the right. On its right side, numerous leukocytes, infiltrated as a result of the inflammation are visible.

Pericarditis, heart c.s. - PlanApo 4X 

Pericarditis, heart c.s. - PlanApo 20X

Pericarditis, heart c.s. - PlanApo 40X

Note: the prepared slide, a collector’s item, is 60 years old.

With thanks to Herbert Spoon, Doctor of Medicine.


Monday 24 January 2022

Metazeunerite-kahlerite from the Atrevida Mine, Vimbodí i Poblet, Conca de Barberà, Catalunya

The presence of uranium minerals in the Atrevida mine has been known for years. The first notice was published in Mineralogistes de Catalunya (Viñals et al., 1990; Bareche, 1990). A posteriori, the presence of uranium in the Silurian and Carboniferous deposits in the Prades mountains area was described by Carles Canet (Canet, 2001).

The article of Bareche states that uranium minerals were collected in an open pit with a huge size baryte vein. It is also reported that Geiger counter research throughout the demarcation showed no signs of other uranium mineralizations. However, in the Tacha mine there are certain materials (with baryte and nickel minerals) that show a certain radioactive emission.

Crystals identified as kahlerite-zeunerite. Col. E. Bareche (image available in the Joan Astor photos
Museu Mollfulleda de Mineralogia d’Arenys de Mar and online: Issuu, Astor, 2014).

Figure 2.- Zeunerite crystals. Col. E. Bareche. Photo: Joan Astor (image available in the Joan Astor photos
Museu Mollfulleda de Mineralogia d’Arenys de Mar and online: issuu, Astor, 2014).

In the image that illustrates the article (figure 1) it can be seen a group of apple-green tabular crystals, pseudohexagonal, with small brown globular aggregates, identified as kahlerite-zeunerite. To reach this conclusion an EDS spectrum is presented where can be seen some elements: arsenic, uranium, copper, and iron.

Figure 3.- EDS spectrum of the specimen in Figure 1 (Bareche, 1990).

Kahlerite is a hydrated uranyl and iron arsenate of the chemical formula Fe2+(UO2)2(AsO4)2·12H2O, tetragonal crystalline system, belonging to the Autunite Group. It was discovered in 1953 and is named in honour of Franz Kahler (1900-1995), a geologist at the Carinthian Landesmuseum in Klagenfurt, Austria.

Zeunerite has similar composition as kahlerite, but with copper in the place of iron: Cu(UO2)2(AsO4)2·12H2O. It is also tetragonal and belongs to the same Autunite Group. Named in honour of Gustav A. Zeuner (1828-1907), physicist and engineer, director of the Freiberg School of Mines in Saxony, Germany. This mineral, like others in the same group, is easily dehydrated by losing four molecules of water, to become metazeunerite: Cu(UO2)2(AsO4)2·8H2O.

But can be assigned kahlerite to the paragenesis of the Atrevida mine? Many mineralogists, in collections, have specimens identified as “kahlerite” from this mine. That’s why it has been decided to study one of these specimens. It shows green tabular crystals in a baryte cavity (Figures 4 and 5).

Figure 4.- Green tabular Crystal. FOV 3 mm. Col. & photo J. Rosell. Plan APO MOTIC with stacking.

Figure 5.- The same crystal. FOV 1.5 mm. Col. i foto J. Rosell. Col. & photo J. Rosell. Plan APO MOTIC
with stacking and long distance focus.

By SEM-EDS spectroscopy it has been obtained a composition in which iron is not detected (Figures 6, 7 and 8). The composition is consistent with zeunerite-metazeunerite. But it also has been noticed that Ba and S appear in the results.

Figure 6.- SEM image of the metazeunerite crystal (RM3412). FOV 0.4 mm. Photo: J. Rosell.

Figure 7.- EDS results. 

Figura 8.- EDS spectrum of sample RM3412.

The presence of Ba and S is detected since the sample has not been coated with carbon, not polished, in which the zone of impact of the electron beam is more diffuse, and the baryte (BaSO4) of the surroundings is also detected. When the electron beam “impact” on the mineral surface, and X-rays are emitted from the excited atoms, some of this X-rays excite other elements of the adjacent minerals, which emit new X-rays, in this case Ba and S (figure 9).

Figure 9.- Emission of X-ray by adjacent minerals (BSE: backscattered electrons).

Looking at the sample analysed in the 1990 article, it can be observed that there are several globular aggregates on the kahlerite-zeunerite crystals, most likely scorodite, arseniosiderite, or even goethite, all of them iron containing. Could these aggregates have masked the results of the EDS analysis? It is not known. The appearance of the crystals, it must be said, is quite different from what it has been analysed (RM3412). It would only be necessary to re-analyse the old sample with the devices currently available, which are much more sensitive and accurate. Should also be encouraged anyone who has specimens labelled as “kahlerite” from Atrevida mine to re-analyse them. This will allow to confirm (or not) a very unusual species as kahlerite.

In Catalonia, kahlerite has been identified as a rarity in the Eureka mine (Castell-estaó, La Torre de Cabdella, Lleida), as submillimetric tabular crystals (<40 μm) in radial groups that pseudomorph gersdorffite with uraninite and digenite (Castillo-Oliver et al., 2020).

Viñals, J., Bareche, E., Coca, J. (1990): “Mines de Catalunya: Vimbodí (II)”. Mineralogistes de Catalunya, vol. 4, n. 8, 213-227.
Bareche, E. (1990): “L’urani a la mina Atrevida”. Mineralogistes de Catalunya, vol. 4, n. 8, 228-230.
Canet, C. (2001): Dipòsits sedimentàrio-exhalatius del Paleozoic del SW dels Catalànides: model de dipòsit. Tesi Doctoral. Director: Melgarejo i Draper, Joan-Carles. Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Cristal·lografia, Mineralogia i Dipòsits Minerals. Barcelona. 414 pp. [view Dec., 2021].
Castillo-Oliver, M., Melgarejo, J.C., Torró, L., Villanova-de-Benavent, C., Campeny, M., Díaz-Acha, Y., Amores-Casals, S., Xu, J., Proenza, J., Tauler, E. (2020): “Sandstone-Hosted Uranium Deposits as a Possible Source for Critical Elements: The Eureka Mine Case, Castell-Estaó, Catalonia”. Minerals, vol. 10, p. 34.
Astor, J.: El món dels minerals. Classe VII, fosfats, arsenats i vanadats (3a part). Disponible en línia. [publ. 2014, view Dec., 2021].

Thursday 20 January 2022

What does a central heating boiler have to do with fluorescence?

Central heating boilers that burn on natural gas can be equipped with an aluminum heat exchanger or an exchanger made of a combination of silicon and aluminum. Not for nothing are these exchangers (as in this case) made from an aluminum-silicon alloy. This material has proven its value in boilers for decades. Aluminum gives the best heat conduction and in combination with silicon, it is very durable.

Due to exposure to the hot gas flames, the exchangers release an oxidation product which deposits on the exchanger on the side of the flame, while the material of the exchanger slowly wears off. Due to lack of maintenance, the exchanger can clog and cause consequential problems such as a decrease in the efficiency of heat transfer.

To clean the heat exchanger, the fins of the exchanger are sprayed with sulfur-containing oil. By then burning the central heating boiler again for a while, the deposition of oxidation products is loosened. Then there is further cleaning by hand.

Boiler deposit

During a regular service to a boiler, some loosened product was collected and placed under the fluorescence microscope. The reaction product, formed by burning with the sulfur-containing oil, could be a mixture of aluminum oxide, silicon oxide, and aluminum silicate (possibly with some sulfur in one form or another) Aluminum (metal) silicates are known for their fluorescent properties, as shown on the attached photos.


Friday 14 January 2022

Fluorescent butterfly wings?

It is known that the chitin-based nanostructured configuration and the multi-scale induced periodicity of the scales on the surface of a butterfly wing, generates a rich variety of photonic properties and color formation mechanisms. 

The color of the nanostructure of the wings can originate from optical interference in a microscopic lamella system or through pigmentary. It is assumed that the fluorescence of a multi-scale nanostructured "artificial eye" on a butterfly wing, plays a role in inter or intraspecific communication among the species.

In this case, parts of the wings of a Parnassius apollo and Pieris butterfly were used for the photos shown. 

It was striking that with each of the excitation wavelengths used - DAPI, FITC, and Texas Red filters - emission occurred in some of the scales on the wings. When using the Texas Red filter, the emission was low compared to the DAPI and FITC filters.

This phenomenon has not yet been seen so strongly with other objects showing autofluorescence. Autofluorescence occurred at a more limited bandwidth of the excitation wavelength. Could this possibly be due to the special nanostructure of the scales on the butterfly wing, or is this the usual fluorescence caused by the excitation of electrons in the biologic material, or both?

It should be noted that with the Parnassius apollo specimen, where Caedax was used as a mounting agent, some background color occurred when using the DAPI and FITC filters.

Pieris prepared slide by Lieder


Thursday 6 January 2022

King Willems’ Willemite

Willemite is a well-known fluorescent mineral, and its fame is attributed to the Franklin District of New Jersey where it occurs in abundance in many shapes and colors. 

Willemite, Franklin District New Jersey

Willemite is named after King William I of the Netherlands (1772 - 1843), who was known locally as King Willem. The type locality for Willemite (the original locality where a mineral is first found or identified) is in present-day Belgium, which was part of the greater Kingdom of the Netherlands when this mineral was named in 1830. 

Under the stereo microscope, a mineral sample from New Jersey was exposed to short wave ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 254 nm. The fluorescence image was taken with the Moticam Pro 285 B, which is specially designed for the imaging of low light subjects like in fluorescence microscopy.
