Wednesday 27 December 2017

From North America to anywhere else

Ceratophyllum demersum is a native of North America. It now has a worldwide distribution, at least in part due to the aquarium and pond trade. It is a submerged aquatic plant which is capable of forming dense monospecific beds, excluding other plant species, causing problems to recreational activities on waterways and in some cases causing blockages at hydroelectric power stations. C. demersum can spread rapidly, and grows in a large range of aquatic habitats.

C. demersum can be used as a measure of lake pollution, as it can contain trace metals such as cadmium and lead in plant tissue. It can also be successfully used for heavy metal removal under dilute metal concentration.

In the stem cross section shown on the pictures, which were taken with the Moticam BTU 10 tablet camera, the large vessels can be recognized, that serve for the transport of air required for the carbon assimilation and buoyancy of the plant.

Some crystals can be seen in the vessels. These are wastes, which are produced as by-products of the chemical processes in the plant and are stored therein.


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