Thursday 23 October 2014

And the winner is...the new BA410 Elite with Apochromatic objectives!

The apochromatic correction of a lens system sine dubio defines the ultimate level of optical performance. Ernst Abbe (1840-1905), one of the fathers of modern optics, created this word derived from the Greek origin, meaning “free of colours”. Of course Abbe was talking about the colour abberations of simple optical systems. These abberations are caused by the dependency of refractions on
the wavelength of light. The artificial illumination of a microscope consists of a continuous sequence of wavelengths: Look at a rainbow, watch the sunlight split into colour components by water drops. To eliminate these abberations, a complex combination of different glass types is necessary.

The introduction of Motic’s BA410 Elite allows to access this highest level of optical performance by Motic microscopes of the BA series. A complete set of PLAN APOCHROMATIC lenses is now available for maximum demands in colour reproduction and resolution. Especially in pathology and haematology, best colour fidelity is essential for a profound diagnosis. But do not underrate the expectations of citizen scientists! Motic’s Plan Apos are surely an appropriate answer to their limited budgets.

The use of new glass types also allows the implementation of increased numerical apertures. To follow Ernst Haeckel to his “Kunstformen der Natur”, diatoms with their tiny pore structures require the expanded resolution power of Plan Apo lenses. Science combined with aesthetics –again the complexity of a Plan Apos finds his justification.

The rackless stage of the BA410E with its ceramic stage insert for highest abrasion resistance guarantees a flat placing of the glass slide, means joyful work on a microscope for a lifetime. The AUTO ON-OFF function with its energy-saving aspect relieves the user from the final instrument check in the evening. A LIGHT MEMORY function, based on an encoded 6-fold nosepiece, memorizes the light intensity of each nosepiece position. When changing to a specific objective, the last illumination setup of this position is recalled. Once coordinated, there is no need to adjust the illumination when changing magnification. 

A combination of excellent hardware and clever user friendliness – the BA410 Elite unites the best of both worlds. An instrument for multiple kind of professional use!

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